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Credit Agricole started up a mentoring program supporting the start of young people's professional career. "Fresh blood for the first job" was a series of events that were the culmination of its promotional campaign.


Young people entering the labour market often struggle with the problem of preparation for the first job interviews. The object of the project was to prepare young people for the best presentation to the future employer. Participating in the "Fresh blood for the first job" you can learn how to make a positive impression on the first interview.


In the modern meeting zone, students had the chance to meet people, whose knowledge and experience will help them to get their dream job, consult their resumee with experienced HR-personnel or try their hand during a simulated interview. Part of the event were also workshops that helped students discover the secrets of recruitment. The action "Fresh blood for the first job" met with great interest of students and positive reception from the universities authorities.


During the second edition of the "Fresh blood for the first job" campaign we visited 12 universities in Poland and met with nearly 1,800 students, whom we helped to develop their career path and prepare to their first job.