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Since 1997 every year Polish Minister of Culture and National Heritage present a prize for the most prominent polish artist, creators and culture animators. The solemn gala is an honour for their work and contribution in developing polish culture. In 2015 our agency had a pleasure to organise this special event.


The Minister of Culture and National Heritage Prize is an prestigious distinction, which deserve a special setting. The main idea of organising this event was to preserve the elegant character. And form the other site, to create informal climate, which favour the casual talks.


This year edition of the event took place in Arkady Kubickiego. The main attraction of the event, apart from presenting the prize, was concert of Grzegorz Turnau and Wojciech Majewski with band. During the concert the most outstanding compositions in new arrangement were presented. The elegant and prestigious character of the event attracted the notable personages form the art, literature, music and film environments. The event gained big media interest. The main polish culture channel, TVP Kultura transmitted the Gala.