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180heartbeats created a digital campaign to promote a new flavor of Absolut - Grapefruit. The whole idea revolved around the bottle. ‘Take me to sunset, naturally’ campaign was launched in Australia & Singapore.



We were responsible for the creative idea, video production and digital assets production. Airport OOHs were displaying the actual time which was left till sunset and guided people to Duty Free shops. 
An interactive site allowed users to enter their flight number and see the sky at their destination. 
Also when someone walked next to the OOH billboards the content on the billboard reacted – the animation with sunset was speeding up and hours on the clock rotated. 



The bottle rotated and set the sky to a time zone in which the user was. The banner reacted to the phone shake that set the bottle in motion and changed the message for the user. 
Also we created OOH for the airports that displayed time to the nearest sunset, the location of the sun and guided travellers to the Duty Free shops. 
3 consecutive digital billboards with kinect built-in were put along the moving sidewalk. In a pop-up zone we placed grapefruit tree with plenty of fruits. We also created a simple activation around it.