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The biggest job board in Poland about gender pay gap in a provocative campaign


Women work for free for over 2 months each year. In a way, 8th March is the first day they get paid for. Women and men at work should be treated equally. Competence has no gender and it should be the only factor on which the pay, the right for promotion or given responsibility are dependent. On International Women’s Day OLX reminded about it in its provocative campaign.


In Poland women work on average 68 unpaid days per year. This is due to the difference in wages between women and men, which amounts to 18.5% - according to data published by the Central Statistical Office. By using this insight we wanted to draw attention to the problem of inequality at work. Beside gender pay gap we wanted to stress that equality should also refer to other situations in professional life, such as right for promotion, career opportunities, or level of given responsibility. 


Central Statistical Office report 2018. 

Gender Gap pay for women and men in Poland in 2016.


Stop breaking my balls - is the women’s put-off for lack of equality at workplace that we created for OLX in a form of a viral video. Main characters of the campaign were Polish leading actresses and public figures: Olga Bołądź, Katarzyna Pakosińska, Tamara Arciuch, Paulina Mikuła and Agnieszka Rylik. The spot was launched on social media and on a dedicated website bezjaj.org.pl. As part of the campaign we also made five short videos with the characters from our main spot, each touching upon a different equality issues at workplace, such as: glass ceiling, tokenism, or ostensible sharing of power, self-discrimination, sticky floor and velvet ghetto. Additionally, on the campaign microsite we also included most important information and statistics about these issues.