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Campaign Against Homophobia (KPH) is a Polish non-governmental organization founded in 2001 that works for the benefit of LGBT+ persons and their families at the national and international level, through political and social advocacy, and support for the LGBT+ movement. It has a clear goal - to transform Poland into a country of people with equal rights, where everyone feels at home. Together we decided to change Poland into a country where respect and dignity are guaranteed to all, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. We postulates that everyone should be able to organize an equality march wherever people want to express themselves and speak out for themselves – which, in itself, is guaranteed by the Polish law, democracy, and the European Convention on Human Rights. Virtual reality is a developing sphere that the organizers see as a space for manifestation - a place where absurd, homophobic law does not apply.


On June 25 (PRIDE MONTH), the Campaign Against Homophobia (KPH), in cooperation with our agency, organized THE IMPOSSIBLE PARADE in all LGBT-free zones in Poland. Despite the homo- and transphobic resolutions in force there, metaverse equality marches were held in these 32 locations. The campaign is a form of protest against the social exclusion of LGBT+ people.

The organizers of the metaverse marches care about a real change, which would mean the annulment of the homo- and transphobic resolutions by all local governments. In principle, parades should not be organized only in the metaverse; that's why THE IMPOSSIBLE PARADE zone also took place at the Warsaw Equality Parade.
