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Mia, our first Huawei video, is a contemporary love story touching the socially important issue of the role of technology in modern relationships.


When Huawei, the world’s third smartphone manufacturer, asked to us to create a meaningful branded film that will break through a typical Valentine’s Day ad clutter we saw an opportunity to start an honest conversation about the very role of technology in the modern world.Huawei, trzeci największy producent smartfonów, poprosił nas o stworzenie sugestywnego i nieszablonowego filmu wizerunkowego marki, przełamującego serduszkową słodycz, której pełne są walentynkowe reklamy. Firmie zależało, by przy tej okazji zainicjować angażujący dialog z konsumentami. Dostrzegliśmy w tym szansę na podjęcie odważnej, szczerej dyskusji na temat roli technologii we współczesnym świecie.


Following an insight that, contrary to popular opinion, we’re not addicted to our phones, but to people behind it, we created a modern day love story with an anti-heroine to match. Seemingly anti-social, as romantic as reckless, Mia is the embodiment of contemporary youth, falling downward a spiral of what turns out to be love. In the main roles starred Cleo Ćwiek, and Krzysztof Bagiński (known for his role in All the Sleepless Nights). The film was directed by Marcin Serafin, and the DOP was an Academy nominated Łukasz Żal. Mia, available on the Huawei YouTube channel, was viewed over 5 million times in the first three days.